Smile Design

Smiling has an important issue in communication between people. When we look at the studies on this subject, it has been shown that people who prioritize smiling in their lives are more successful, reliable and self-confident. However, there is a group that is reluctant to smile, who generally do not like their smiles.

Dentists have a great role in improving this issue. Bringing a new smile, regardless of age, gives a person a happiness and self-confidence that they cannot have. Although certain rules are followed in the acquisition of smile aesthetics, personalized treatment plans are always at the forefront.

Smile aesthetics does not only cover teeth, it also covers teeth, gums, lips, lower and upper jaw positions and all facial proportions. Creating an ideal smile is possible by examining many details including the patient’s character, facial functions and facial proportions. There is no standard concept of a smile that suits everyone.


If we list the smile design in a general way, the relations between teeth, gums, lips, jaws and face should be evaluated separately. The position of the teeth on the midline, the inclination of the teeth, their alignment and how visible they are in the smile are important for the design. How much gingiva is visible during the smile as well as the teeth, symmetry at the right and left gingival levels, and of course gingival health are also evaluated for an aesthetic smile.


When it comes to the lips, it is important how much the lips move during the smile, in other words, how much teeth and gums show. In addition, the presence of dark areas on the sides of the lips during smile also gives us information about the width of the upper jaw arch.


The ratio of the teeth to the jaws and the face should also be evaluated in smile aesthetics. Symmetry and proportional harmony are very important in facial aesthetics. The golden ratio is also observed among the facial proportions.

Digital Smile Design

How Many Sessions Does the Patient Have to Go for an Examination in Smile Design?

When the patient comes to the examination for the first time,impressions, x-rays and photographs are taken and the smile design is prepared digitally. In the next session, the smile design is shown to the patient in the mouth with the application called ‘mock up’. When the patient and the physician decide on the design, the teeth that the patient will use permanently in the next session are prepared and placed in the patient’s mouth.



What are the Points to Consider in Smile Design?
First of all, the smile design to be made should be specific to the patient. A design that can be applied to every standard patient is not suitable. Patient photographs are examined very well and the patient’s tooth shape, color, structure, gingival level, gingival tightness and health, movements and functions of the lips while smiling and talking are evaluated. Patient requests and what kind of smile they want are added to the planning and the personalized design is completed.


How Many Sessions Does the Patient Have to Go for an Examination in Smile Design?

When the patient comes to the examination for the first time,impressions, x-rays and photographs are taken and the smile design is prepared digitally. In the next session, the smile design is shown to the patient in the mouth with the application called ‘mock up’. When the patient and the physician decide on the design, the teeth that the patient will use permanently in the next session are prepared and placed in the patient’s mouth.


What are the Points to Consider in Smile Design?


First of all, the smile design to be made should be specific to the patient. A design that can be applied to every standard patient is not suitable. Patient photographs are examined very well and the patient’s tooth shape, color, structure, gingival level, gingival tightness and health, movements and functions of the lips while smiling and talking are evaluated. Patient requests and what kind of smile they want are added to the planning and the personalized design is completed.


Digital Smile Design
The first facial area we pay attention to in someone we meet for the first time is our eyes, and secondly, the smile and teeth of the person in front of us. If we have a problem with our smile or if we are not satisfied with the position of our teeth, this is directly perceived by the person in front of us. Because in such a situation, we need to hide our teeth while talking and smiling. This situation, which negatively affects our self-confidence, also gives a feeling of insecurity to the person in front of us.

If we feel in a similar situation, it would be helpful to get help to solve this problem ourselves. We can only answer how our smile can change and which treatment methods will be right for us with the opinion of a specialist doctor. Now, with minimal applications, very big changes can be achieved, and you can even have the smile you want with your natural teeth without any restorative procedures on your existing teeth. Moreover, while this change takes place, your natural life flow is not affected at all. While your smile becomes aesthetic with transparent corrective appliances, all you have to do is enjoy it. The change in your smile along with your teeth positively affects your self-confidence and many important points in your life. Give yourself a chance, let your world change with your smile.


Smile Design And Orthodontics

DSD (Digital smile design) is the aesthetic arrangements made to improve the teeth aesthetically and functionally. In these arrangements, first of all, after the healthy tooth structure is obtained, the appropriate position and position of the teeth and the aesthetic restructuring of the teeth with prosthetic approaches are provided.

Smile design is not suitable for mouths with unhealthy teeth and gums. First of all, a healthy gingiva should be obtained and this condition should be protected with proper care. Because in the planning made with smile design, the gums should be tight, healthy and non-bleeding in terms of tooth-gingival harmony, and there should be no swelling and redness due to poor hygiene. Providing naturalness in smile design applications is one of the most critical points and this can only be achieved with healthy gums.

The suitability of the position and position of the teeth in the mouth on the dental arch is also very important in terms of the aesthetics and functions of the restorations to be made afterwards.

Dental braces in happy womans mouths who shows by two fingers on brackets on the teeth after whitening. Self-ligating brackets with metal ties and gray elastics or rubber bands for perfect smile. Orthodontic treatment

Although the aesthetics of restorations made in inappropriate tooth positions are not at the desired level, these restorations are not long-lasting as they will face undesirable forces during speaking and chewing.

Here, orthodontic treatments come into play and the teeth are brought to the places where they should be in the arch and properly aligned. In a situation where the tooth alignment is not suitable, no matter what kind of prosthetic approach is used on the teeth, adequate aesthetics cannot be provided.

After the care of all teeth and gums and their alignment in the mouth, a special smile design planning is made for each patient. Here, the position of the lips, teeth and gums is evaluated according to the face, taking into account the patient’s age, gender, character and expectations from the treatment. Questions such as how much tooth and gingival appearance is present during speaking and laughing, should it be increased or decreased, how should the tooth morphology be, are evaluated together with the photograph, x-ray film and measurements taken from the patient. It is the most preferred lamina applications today as prosthetics. The fact that they are very thin and have a high naturalness are the reasons for their preference.