Dental Implants

Implants are generally titanium screw systems placed in the jawbone instead of missing teeth or teeth in the mouth.


What is done in the first examination for implants?


First of all, the maxillofacial surgeon evaluates the patient’s intraoral examination and x-rays and decides whether the patient’s jaw structure is suitable for the implant. The general health status of the patient should not be an obstacle. For patients with a systemic disease, approval from their doctor is required.


Is implant placement a difficult procedure?


Implant surgery is applied in a short time if the bone structure is suitable. It takes almost as little time as a tooth extraction.



Can the implant be applied to everyone?


Bone growth and development must be completed in order to perform the implant procedure. It is not applied in cases where the jawbone is not at the appropriate thickness and height for the implant. In addition, it is not appropriate to apply the implant in those who have an uncontrolled systemic disease and who have recently received chemotherapy.


When Can Teeth Be Made Following Implant Placement?


After the implants are placed in the mouth, it is necessary to wait for a while for the bone and the implant to be fully combined. This period should be 2 months in the lower jaw and at least 3 months in the upper jaw. If additional procedures were performed due to the insufficiency of the bone, it may be necessary to wait up to 6 months. After the connection between the implant and the bone is established, the porcelain restorative phase can be started.


Is There Pain During and After the Implant Procedure?

Implant surgery is a treatment applied with local anesthesia in the mouth and the patient does not feel any pain during the procedure. After the operation, this process is completed comfortably with the use of drugs that the doctors deems appropriate.


What is the All-on-Four Technique? To Whom Is It Applied?


As the name suggests, it is the process of fixing the fixed prosthesis on the same day by placing 4 implants at appropriate angles in suitable edentulous patients. All on four technique is used in edentulous patients with adequate bone structure and good general health. It is an ideal treatment for patients who cannot use removable prostheses.

5N 1K Implant Treatment Treatment

Implants are titanium screw systems that are applied in the treatment of missing teeth and provide support for the prosthesis to be made on them by acting as a tooth root in the mouth.


Implant treatments are applied in cases where there is a single tooth or multiple tooth deficiency. Even in case of complete edentulism, fixed prostheses are supported with a sufficient number of implants placed in the mouth. Thus, there is no need for removable prostheses, which are more difficult to use.


In implant treatments, local anesthesia is sufficient during the placement of the implant. After anesthetizing the area where the implant will be applied, the implant deemed appropriate by the physician is placed in the area with sufficient bone thickness. For a painless and problem-free healing process of the placed implants after the procedure, good oral hygiene and oral care should be supported with antiseptic mouthwashes. Cold tampon applications on the first day will be relaxing. At this stage, a very painful process is not expected, but a pain reliever that the physician deems appropriate can be used to control the pain that may occur.

After waiting for sufficient time in accordance with the structure of the jaw for the integration of the bone and the implant (average 3 months for the upper jaw, 2 months for the lower jaw), the prosthesis construction phase is started for the superstructure of the implant.


In case of tooth deficiency, loss of bone structure in the missing tooth area begins over time. Bone loss is challenging for subsequent prostheses.

With implant applications, it is possible to get successful results even in areas with insufficient bone support. In addition, since the implants provide bone support, they significantly reduce the bone loss that may occur over time.

Implant treatments are the best solution for problems such as aesthetic, function and speech problems caused by missing teeth, and even for problems such as the loss of self-confidence as a result of these problems. Since it does not receive support from other teeth, fixed prostheses can be made without damaging any other teeth. Since the prostheses placed on the implant give the closest aesthetic to the real tooth, they are preferred more than the alternatives in their class.

To Whom Implants Can Be Applied

Implant treatment can be applied to every individual who has healthy teeth and gums, has sufficient bone support to support the implant, has completed bone growth, and has good oral hygiene. In some cases, when the bone infrastructure is insufficient, it is possible to create suitable areas for the implant by making improvements in the infrastructure with advanced techniques.



Patients have difficulty in making decisions regarding implant prices. The difference in prices between clinics makes the situation even more difficult. Here, looking at the subject from different angles will help to understand the difference between prices.

First of all, it should be noted that implant treatment covers both the surgical and prosthetic departments of dentistry. In other words, the process does not end after the implant application, but after a certain period of time, the prosthetic treatment phase begins.

The content of the material to be used here (such as metal-supported porcelain, zirconium) affects the price. Like the material of the prosthesis to be used, the brand of the implant also affects the price. Today, there are leading brands that have been used for many years and have proven their quality and are preferred more by physicians. Apart from these, there are also brands with lower cost but comparable clinical applications with leading brands. The important thing here is that your doctor chooses the implant that best suits your oral and bone health.

Another issue that affects pricing is the experience of the physician in this field. At least as much as the quality of the implant brand, the proper and correct placement of this implant in the mouth is one of the most critical factors affecting the life of the implant, because the dental prosthesis to be applied on the implant must meet the chewing pressures appropriately.